Friday, December 28, 2012

What's that you hear....


Yep, its been just 2 days but so far it has been a quiet 2 days and I think I'm starting to like my horse again!  LOL  He actually got zapped on the butt this morning, he stood too close to the wall and shocked himself, then kept looking at the wall as if to say "What the heck just happened, why did you shock me?"  :)  I was smiling of course because I have seen a jerk of a horse, act normal..  He doesnt come in the barn/stall trying to bite Edgar anymore, he doesnt try to charge at the other stall, he hasnt been kicking or leaning..  he still pins his ears towards Edgar, but thats normal feeding behavior for a horse and is the extent of it, I could not be happier!!!  I will continue to cross my fingers that he doesnt find a way around this latest plan (as he could if he really wanted).  He's far from "fixed" in behavior issues, he has a lot of maturing still to do, but I am hopeful once again...

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