Monday, March 8, 2010

Edgar & The Mariners Moose!

Big Red's nickname is now the Mariners Moose.. goes well with Edgar! :)

The plan for Saturday was to ride the boys at Mann Rd, help Shannon with some video, go to a jewelry party then off to the 4H pre-sale to look for some much needed larger tack... Well on our drive out to meet Gerri, she called and said Red was missing a shoe... grrr Not anyone's fault, just a bummer because that changed everything up.

We picked up Red, then headed to Shannons (she no longer needed video either) and visited with her for a while, wanted to talk to her about Oakley as an offer had been made on him by a 73 yr old woman! She was very impressed, however we were not impressed by the offer especially considering he has not even been listed yet. So we talked it over with Shannon to get her opinion if she felt that was all we could get for him and we all concluded it wouldnt be fair to take the first offer on a horse we havent even put up for sale yet.. She thinks if a 73yr old comes out and doesnt even ride him, is that impressed just watching her ride him bareback in a halter then we should invest a little more time and effort into him and see what happens. If we try for more and it doesnt work out, then so be it.. we get it that times are tough, but we also know times are not tough for everyone out there and he is an awesome horse! Shannon's been taking him out on the trails, he just isnt doing anything wrong and he is gorgeous!!! :) And its not that I'm being greedy, however I only get 1/2 of whats paid, that's the deal we made and we'd like to try to get a bit more in our pocket and would like to see Shannon make a bit more as well. She's got the resources and we've got the time.

So.. back to the weekend... While at Shannons, Derek was able to play on the tractor and drag the indoor and outdoor arena, he loves playing on the farm! I gave Red his shots while there, we then loaded the boys back in the trailer (they'd been standing around for an hour) and headed home. As soon as I got home, I had to unload Edgar and put him in the pasture, and me and the Russ drove up to Arlington to meet the horseshoer so they could put the shoe back on. Just as I pull in the shoer's driveway I get a call from Danielle and she says to me "Who's driveway are you pulling into?" lol I laughed and said "follow me in". She was headed out to see her horse which is just a couple minutes down the road, how funny she was right behind me and I didnt even realize it. She knew it was me when she saw Russell hangin his head out the window.

I followed her to her horse after Red was done so I could see where he was boarded. Stayed there only about 25 minutes, I had to get on the road and head home to get to the jewelry party. I realized while driving home I would literally pull in the driveway the same time my mom was due to pick me up. AND I wouldnt have time to change or even put Red in the field and watch him to be sure he was settling in. It would not be fair of me to leave a brand new horse on the property w/o being home, if something went wrong, Derek would have to deal with it alone. So I had to cancel the jewelry show.. I was bummed, I had wanted to go.

Red of course settled in just fine! It was like he lived there forever, he drank water, went in/out of his stall.. he was content. He did kick Edgar when I was leading him through Edgars side of the pasture. Red stopped to take a bite to eat and Edgar got right up on his butt. I dont think they will have a love/hate relationship, I think in a couple weeks, all will be happy. For now, we keep them seperated just to be sure nothing goes wrong. They trailer GREAT together and we can tie them right next to eachother; they both could care less.

While Derek worked on one outdoor chore, I decided to prune some of the VERY low hanging branches on the apple tree.. I cut anything off big or small that was eye level or lower to the horses, Red was oblivious to all the falling branches around him.

Angela picked me up at 7 and we headed to the 4H tack sale, I did not find any cinches and there were LOTS to look through, just nothing big enough.. found a really nice blanket and a nice fly sheet, but people wanted $100 each for them.. I can buy them new for less than that. I did find a pad for Derek and a $2 rusty feeder I will use for the goats, which is perfect! :) So I left content, wish I had found other useful items, guess I'll have to buy brand new.

Sunday we woke early and loaded the boys up, headed to Lk Cassidy to meet Barbara V to ride the Centennial. Got in a solid 2 hour ride, Red did good. I am not 100% happy with his bit, he doesnt have a lot of stop with it, I might try to switch him up a little and see if I can find something he responds better in. He was a little lazy and tripped a lot, nothing like going down tripping and he got grumpy once again for the last half of the ride at the other horses and did a lot of ear pinning. I dont know if he is the kicking type, so I am going to be cautious about it.. I definately make him pay attention to me when he gets pissy, and I dont let him get cranky, maybe he'll learn to get over it over time.

As soon as we got home, we started up a fire and FINALLY got ALL the scrap wood burned!!! YEAH.. I was SOOO happy and excited about cleaning up that big mess by the shed, it was a terrible eye sore! We spent quite a few hours with the fire, I drug those cut branches to the fire as well and got all but the 2 biggest (undraggable branches) burned.. Just minutes after I had put all the branches on the fire, it started to rain, what perfect timing! Felt like a very accomplished weekend..

I am bummed that in about 2 weeks we'll be moving the horses to summer pasture.. I will greatly miss having them around. But it will give us a chance to get our pastures done, I hope everything works out and the pastures are flattened out like we hope it should work. 12-18 months of keeping the boys off, its going to be tough to start over.

I would have posted some great pics for ya, but I forgot my camera at work! It is supposed to rain ALL week.. we have our annual Cinnamon Roll Ride this coming weekend, I'd really like to see it clear up for Saturday, the trails will be wet and slick AND there is the slight threat of snow this week as well.. should be interesting.

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