Wednesday, July 28, 2010

the Light still shines!

Yes the light in the tunnel that I saw on Sunday has continued.. and today is Wednesday! Ellie successfully now goes outside every time she has to potty. Every now/then I see her sniff the floor and I say to her "Ellie Outside!" and typically she heads that direction. Zero accidents since Saturday and 100% success of going in/out the door. She is not going to the front door though, she uses the back door/slider onto the deck. I think because it is closer to the living room whereas the front door is around the corner and further away. She will eventually figure it all out and use the proper door, all I care is that she is using a door!! The down side to it all is the house if full of flies since we leave the doors wide open when we are there so she is not hindered at all in her potty attempts.. the small price to pay for a well trained dog! :)

After a looooong week of feeling like I could do nothing but sit and watch Ellie 24/7, we are now at the point of being able to roam about the house while she is in the house.. we can do laundry, do dishes etc w/o too much stress over where she's at.. and Russell is starting to play with her! He actually kinda ran with her a little, he's been horny and likes to air hump over the top of her since she's so darn small.. lol

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