Monday, December 15, 2008

Gotta Love 4-Wheel Drive...

It actually snowed! The forcasters were 100% correct this time and if all goes well with their forcast for the rest of the week, we'll have this snow around for a week or more. I LOVE it when this happens, it is so rare for us. It is supposed to get down to about 9 degrees tonight, yikes! Tuesday night - Wed night we are expecting more snow. This cold snap (highs in the low 30's) is forcast for atleast the next week. YEAH!!

I definately DONT love the affect it has on my horse though. He was shaking Saturday morning when Derek went over to feed him, his shelter tarp was tearing from the weight of the snow, it needs replacing. Saturday afternoon, I brushed Edgar out, DOUBLE blanketed him and walked him down to Marc & Rachels (Julies old house). I'll keep him there until my place is ready. He now has a barn to go into and I have lights so I can brush him. I dont normally blanket my horse in the winter, UNLESS they show signs of being cold and I would normally only put one blankie on, but with as cold as it is getting, I figured it doesnt hurt to put 2 on him. I feed and check on him 2 times a day, make sure he is not too warm and pick ice out of his feet 2 times a day. I feel revived having him down there, he seems happier to be out of the mud. I miss Edgar and hope to start spending more time with him, I have been slacking on spending any time with him its just been too crappy out!

Oh My Gosh! I did get our tree decorated on Friday night, took me a few hours, that is one TALL tree! It touched the ceiling on the high vaulted side. :)

I had to use a broom to get the treetopper on and the broom also to put the lights and garland all the way at the top. It is a very full tree of ornaments, lights, garland and tinsel. We LOVE our tree!!
My dogs, you have to look at how flippin adorable they are. I had dumped all the garland onto the floor and next thing I see, the dogs are laying in it! Not sure what that was all about, but I had to take a picture, they were soooo cute.. and NO I did NOT stage this whatsoever! If you know anything about my dogs, they dont "stage" for shots... lol
It is what 10 days til Christmas and I have yet to get much of any of the shopping done! Eric & Andrea invited us, our parents and her parents to dinner last night, they made a Prime Rib, it was really good. We also built our own gingerbread (cardboard) houses and decorated them, it was fun.

Well here's to hoping for MORE snow!!! :)

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