Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Great Escape Artist!

So Miss Scout has decided that she really enjoys her freedom and while I was on vacation, she started digging under the wood fence to get out every day! Derek would come home and she'd be out of the yard. She was sticking around, close to the house, but would play that game of not coming to Derek when he called her! I think she got out 4-5 times, one time he is sure that she got out but by the time he got home, she was in the house, so she must have remembered where her whole was and came back into the yard when her adventure was over. It is really great to know that she knows "home" but its not great that she thinks she can get out whenever she wants! :)

So Derek put up a temporary fence between the house and the shop, so the dogs have a very small section of yard to poddy in. They sit in the house at the back slider door and whine sometimes because they miss running free in the big yard. This weekend Derek & I hope to hotwire the bottom of the fenceline so when she goes to dig, she touches it and shocks herself. I dont want to hurt my dog, but she has to learn she cannot dig out! Its the only way I know how to correct her. She has such a big yard to run around in, I dont know why she has to go exploring! :)

She's still a terrific dog though and we'll do whatever we have to, to keep her safe and in our yard. It is nice to know she comes home, but someone could always take her or she could get hit by a car, so we have to fix the problem. And we dont want her teaching Russell this bad trick of getting out! lol

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