Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Why does October Hate Black Goats??

One year ago almost to the day, we had to take Troy to Dr Andrea and a few days later he had to be put to sleep.. Today mom found Briggs, well what was left of the poor little guy.

I dont know what the deal is, but we owned 4 goats, 2 black and 2 brown/tan. Exactly one year ago Troy died, he was black and it was October. Today (well maybe yesterday) Briggs who is also black and its also October died. :(

We are very sad, it was unpleasant to see what was remaining of the little guy. What makes me nervous is that it is unclear what happened exactly. He was devowered, half of his ribs were missing, one leg was missing but his neck was intact from the shoulder forward, so whatever it was didnt leave any cuts on what was intact. Which makes us believe Coyote inwhich a pack may have either taken him down and had their way or maybe Briggs got sick and laid down and as he lay there unable to get up, he was attacked by Coyote or maybe Cougar. He was out in the far side of the pasture, not an area the goats generally hang out.. so it is a little baffling as to what really happened, and a lot disturbing for sure.

To help protect the 2 boys that are now lonely and I'm sure scared shitless if they were "there" when Briggs was attacked, IF that is what happened, they are locked in the small corral now as we all agreed (mom/dad/Derek and I) that whatever it was, probably would not come all the way up to the barn/corral. The hope is to get some temporary fencing up soon to bring them home where they will have the security of the horses around them.

So today is a very sad day.

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