Monday, February 2, 2009

Let there be light!

Happy Ground Hog Day, well whatever that means anyways.. lol I dont know if the groundhog saw his shadow or not, I can only hope that winter is on its way out.. I typically love the wintertime, but I'm thinkin as I age, I might just be starting to enjoy the warmer weather more and more... Is that a sign of old age?

I think I am just so excited about riding with my husband! and just getting more active this spring/summer, that I am itchin for the brighter, longer, lighter, warmer days! I am very excited to see that Derek is not only loving the riding, but he also loves just going out and being with his horse, feeding him and grooming him almost nightly. I just sit and watch him and smile, how can I not! To see someone else enjoy what I've enjoyed almost my whole life, is exciting!

So the light.. well PUD came out and installed a light in our yard!! Yeah.. so for those of you that complain it is too damn dark at my place at night, well problem solved.. It doesnt really light up the entire parking area, but it is light...

Oh and I was just informed that the damn hog saw his shadow.

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